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Stories, strange and true.

Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I’m an award-winning author of speculative fiction (the strange part) and long-form journalism (the true part). You can read more on the About page or scroll down to browse by genre.

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Read my memoir Changing Gears.

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Read my fiction published in Meanjin, Overland, Griffith Review, The Big Issue, Aurealis and science journal Nature. I won the Peter Carey Short Story Award and have been shortlisted for a few other prizes.

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Read my articles and opinion pieces in The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Saturday Paper, The Big Issue, ABC, Eureka Street and more. I’ve also produced a documentary on the Black Summer bushfires.

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Blog posts, reader talks, latest news.

“Funny, poignant and life-changing…”

The Sunday Age, review of Changing Gears

"I find this story masterful and uncompromising. It scores on brio, boldness and ambition, humour, derangement and pathos."

Anne Casey-Hardy, judge of the 2023 Peter Carey Short Story Award

“Told with compassion and insight, it was perfectly pitched to meet The Big Issue‘s concern with broader social concerns around homelessness.”

Walkley Foundation judges

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